Healthy Skincare Tips for Every Skin Type

You shouldn't use moisturizer if you have oily skin, oh! You have dry skin then, don't use Multani Mitti it will make your skin dryer, blah-blah. These type of common advices we always hear from people or sometimes by professionals also. Yes, it is important to use beauty products or treatments as per your skin type but there are many types of skincare or beauty treatments that are perfect for every skin type but, we are not aware of that. See Here Best Salons in Mayur Vihar Phase-1.

You may be thinking that moisturizer is not good for oil skin type persons but, it is not true. Every skin type should moisturize their skin which is actually very important for healthy and glowing skin especially in winter season. We visit beauty salons and spa to get beautiful and healthy skin and hair as we know that the professionals and experts can suggest us the best skincare tips. The provide the skincare or beauty treatments as per our skin type and this is the reason why it is necessary to visit salon or beauty parlor every month.

There are numerous beauty products that you can use to keep your skin healthy and glowing but before using any you must know about your skin type. There are different types of skins but the most commons are Dry Skin, Oily Skin and Combination Skin. You need to figure out that which type of skin you have and choose your products accordingly.

Though it is important to know your skin type to use any beauty products but there are many skincare treatments that perfect for every skin type. You just need to know about those beauty secrets to take care of your healthy and beautiful skin throughout the year.

So, here are the healthy skincare tips for every skin type that you can use in any season to get healthy and glowing skin:

For Oily Skin

When it comes to skin care, tomato is one of the most effective natural remedies to get clean and clear skin. This works as astringent and a toner for your face. So, you can use it daily on your face. There are many different ways to use tomato to get clear and clean skin. Extract tomato pulp and add honey and lemon juice in it. Apply it on your face and then wash-off after 10 – 15 minutes. You can also use tomato directly. Just cut the tomato into half and rub it directly on your face. This will work as toner and keep your skin clear and glowing.

Oats and Eggs
Eggs beaten up with soaked and ground oats and use it as face pack to remove excess oil from your face.

Raw Milk
Raw milk is also very good for our skin especially for oily skin. Take a cotton ball and dip it into raw milk and apply it on your face. This will work as a cleanser for oily skin.

Raw Milk with Lemon Juice
Another way to use raw milk as a cleanser is mixing it with lemon juice. Take 2 tablespoon of raw milk and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice into it, apply it on your face with the help of a cotton ball. And leave it for few minutes before washing your face as lemon helps in removing excess oil.

For Dry Skin

Avocado Face Pack
You can make a face pack using ripe Avocado and ripe banana which works great for dry skin. At Studio 99 salon in Mayur Vihar Phase 1, you will get the best hair, beauty and makeup services at the affordable prices.

Use Nourishing Creme or Lotion
As you have dry skin then, you should use a nourishing creme or lotion on your face as your skin needs moisture and hydration. You can also use plain glycerin with water which will help in nourishing your skin.

Malai (Creme of Boiled Milk)
As raw milk is good for oily skin similarly, Malai or creme of boiled milk. Take malai on your finger tips and apply it on your face, you can massage it all over your face for few minutes and then, leave it for 10 minutes. Wash off with plain water.

8-10 Glasses of Water
No need to mention that how much water is important for everyone but, try to drink 8-10 glasses of water along with fruits like ripe papaya and banana which are really good for your health and skin.

For Combination Skin

Face Wash
Use good face wash and at least wash your face two times in a day which.

Multani Mitti Face Pack
Use multani mitti face pack once in a week if you have combination or sensitive skin.

8-10 Glass Water
Drink 8-10 glass water each day and maintain good sleep hours for at least 7-8 hrs.

Never forget to put sunscreen before going out.

So, all these are skincare tips for every skin type. But, you cannot always take care of your skin by yourself especially if you have busy schedules that's why you should book appointments on a beauty salon or beauty parlor to keep up with your skincare and haircare routines. But, for this you need to search for a good and professional salon in your area like Studio99 Salons is one the best beauty salons in Mayur Vihar Phase 1 area where professional beauty treatments and skincare treatments are awaiting for your response. So, book your appointments and get good skincare treatments to have healthy and glowing skin.


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