How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster in Just Few Days?

 Have you ever met a woman who is completely satisfied with her hair – the length, volume or quality? Well, I have never. Hair is associated with beauty and attractiveness and this is why every woman wants thicker, stronger and shinier hair. Nowadays you will hear about hair problems from almost every woman they are anxious about the hair fall, gray hair, etc. These are the common hair problems you will get to hear every day.  And this is what has geared up hair salon business in India. More and more people are entering into salon franchise business as it is one of the fastest growing and high-profit business sectors in India.

One can visit hair salon and spa to get shinier and healthy hair in fact, there are now many hair extensions parlours also where you can go to extend your hair length in just few hours. But, all these are temporary solutions. For a permanent solution you should do regular haircare. In this article we look for such hair care tips that will help you to make your hair grow faster in just few days. But you must follow these tips on a regular basis only then, you will get see the desired results.

Here are the natural remedies that will help you to grow your hair faster and make healthier and shinier too.


One of the main benefits of head massage is hair growth. Yes, this stimulates your scalp that can improve hair thickness. That's why it is always said to hair head massage or hair massage to get healthier and stronger hair. Massaging the scalp can help to restore hair growth. You should do massage your scalp every day to improve hair thickness.

Onion Juice
Onion juice is also very good remedy for hair growth. You just need to blend few slices of onions and then squeeze out the onion juice. Apply it on the scalp and leave it for minimum half an hour and then rinse. You will see the guaranteed results in just few days. But, you need to follow this remedy on a regular basis. Do it two times a week for better results.

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is one of the oldest plants that is known for providing the amazing benefits for hair, skin and health benefits. This helps in treating hair loss as it soothes the scalp and also conditions hair. If you are facing too much hair fall problem then, you can apply Aloe Vera on your scalp and hair which helps in faster hair growth. You can use this many times per week and if you don't have natural Aloe Vera then, you can also use a shampoo and conditioner that contains Aloe Vera.

Not only for getting rid of dandruff but, lemons are a good remedy for hair growth too. You can use lemon juice or oil to enhance the quality of your hair and improve hair growth. When you use lemon oil on your scalp it helps in maintaining healthy scalp which promotes hair growth. What you need to is to squeeze lemon juice and apply it on your scalp. Leave it for 15 minutes before shampoo. Instead of this you can use lemon essential oil also.

Trim Your Hair Regularly
Not only massaging your scalp and use of Aloe Vera or lemon is enough to make your hair grow faster but you should also get your hair trimmed regularly. Visit salon in every three months to trim your hair to remove split ends. This will help to avoid unhealthy split ends which is important for enhanced hair growth.

Don't Brush Too Often
If you really love your darling hair then avoid brushing them all the time. Brushing your hair too often will results into hair falls. But, it is also true that brushing or combing your hair stimulates your scalp and releases natural oil that strengthens hair but, make sure that there is no breakage or hair loss. So, you should not comb your hair for more than 10-15 min every day. Studio99 Salons is the right choice, if you are looking for salon franchise to start your hair and beauty salon.

If you are confused how yoga can help you to get rid of hair fall problem then, let me explain this. You high stress levels are causing you to lose your hair. High stress is the main cause of hair fall and yoga can help you to reduce your stress level. Yoga is good for body, mind and soul. It reduces stress and tensions. If your stress level will be reduced your hair fall problems will be reduced.

Follow Healthy and Balanced Diet
The secret of healthy hair is also your healthy diet. You should eat green vegetables, leafy vegetables, beans, seeds, lean fish and chicken are the great sources of nutrition. Just like the other parts of your body, the health of your hair also depends on nourishments. So, have balanced diet and eat healthy foods to prevent hair fall.

So now when you know how to make your hair grow faster then, you should waste your time anymore. Start following these natural remedies to get healthy and shinier hair.


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