What are the Natural Ways to Prevent Hair Fall?

Healthy and shiny hair with length and volume is a blessing. Whether women or men, everyone wants to have healthy and beautiful hair but, unfortunately what we all encounter with is hair fall. Hair fall is an increasing problem in today’s society and both men and women are affected with the problem. But, hair fall or baldness are treatable than ever. One can opt for hair transplant surgery to regain lost hair but, the surgeries are often expensive and not everyone can afford such expensive treatment to regrow lost hair. So, what steps or measures can people take to regrow their lost hair?

Well, here in this article we have discussed some natural tips that help to prevent hair fall and regrow lost hair. If hair fall is the reason of your stress and anxiety then, this article will help you to solve your problem and give you an effective solution. What you need to do is to follow the below-mentioned tips regularly to see the effective results:

Hot Oil Massage
We all know that oiling is very much important for healthy hair but only few of us do it regularly. Regularly oiling gives your hair the essential nutrients that it needs thus, it prevents grey hair and promotes hair growth. If you want to prevent hair fall and take care of your hair to make it healthier and shinier then, you should massage your scalp with hot oil.

Yogurt and Honey
You can use the mixture of yogurt and honey to regrow your hair. Both the ingredients are very good for nourishing our hair. So, for this you should take two tablespoon of yogurt and one tablespoon of honey and few drops of lemon (optional). Mix it well and apply it on your scalp and leave it for at least 30 minutes. After this, rinse it off with normal water. You can use this remedy two times in a week to get the best results.See here best beauty salon franchise in India.

Coconut Milk
This is one of the best and easiest remedies you can use for natural hair fall treatment. You can prepare coconut milk at home by grinding coconut and squeezing its milk. Now, apply the coconut milk on your scalp with the help of a hair dye brush. Cover your hair with a towel and leave it for 20 minutes then, rinse it off with normal water. You can do this once in a week.

Aloe Vera
We all are very well aware of the countless benefits of Aloe Vera for our skin and hair so, you should use this for hair fall treatment too. Take an Aloe Vera leaf and extract the pulp content from it and start rubbing it onto your hair. You need to apply this Aloe Vera in all over your scalp and hair but, make sure that your hair is already washed before you apply this. Leave it for about 15 minutes and then, rinse with cold water.

Neem (Indian Lilac)
Neem oil has countless benefits for hair and the scalp including the grey hair, dry and itchy scalp, etc. You can either use neem oil on your hair or you can use natural neem leaves. Take 8-10 leaves of neem and boil them in water till the water level comes half of its quantity. Wait for the mixture to cool and then, wash your hair with this mixture.

Amla (Gooseberry)
For this remedy you will require gooseberry or amla with coconut oil or amla with lime juice.

·         First method- Boil dried amla in coconut oil until it turned black. Wait for it to cool and apply it on your scalp and after 20 minutes shampoo your hair as usual.

·         Second method- Extract amla juice from the amla. Take the amla juice or you can use amla powder mix it with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix it well and apply the mixture on your scalp, allow it to dry and rinse with water.

Methi (Fenugreek seeds)
For this you will require methi, egg and curd. Soak two tbsp. of methi overnight and then, grind the seeds and make it paste. Add one tbsp. curd and one egg white. Make a fine paste and apply it on your scalp. Leave it for 20 minutes and then, wash. Follow this remedy once in a week for good results.

If you will follow any of the above-mentioned natural remedies then, you will get healthy and shiny hair and this will also help you to regrow your lost hair naturally. Even if you don’t have any hair fall problem then, also you should use these remedies to keep your hair healthier and shinier. And if you think you don’t get such time to care your hair at home then, you can enjoy some me time for your darling hair at any nearby beauty and hair salon franchise , where you can get best hair care treatments to keep your hair and healthy and beautiful.


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