3 Home Remedies for Pigmentation and Dark Spots

Who does not want to have the flawless and beautiful skin? But, maintaining the same is too much difficult. It is a dream of every woman to have beautiful, shiny and spotless skin but, unfortunately there are many who face lots of problems. The skin diseases and infections are becoming quite common on these days due to ever-increasing problem of pollution. Skin pigmentation and dark spots on the skin are the most common problems that occur when there is hormonal imbalance, lack of sleep or any other complication.

 Well, there are different types of techniques that women use to get rid of dark spots or pigmentation some go to beauty salons or beauty parlours and some use cosmetics like concealers, bb creams and other chemical remedies. But, all these products can temporarily solve the problem. To get a permanent solution you need to use natural remedies that

Lemon Juice: Lemon has infinite benefits for a good health and skin of course. It’s comes under the simplest and cheapest beauty remedies that women love to use. The ascorbic acid or vitamin C present in lime juice acts as an antioxidant and helps lighten the color of the skin. It’s very easy to use lemon for removing dark spots from your skin and whitening it. Studio99 Salons is the right choice, if you are looking for beauty salon franchise to start your hair and beauty salon. 

·         Squeeze the lemon in a glass bowl, kindly do not use metal bowls for lemon as lemon juice tends to react with metals.
·         Take a small cotton bowl and dip it into the lemon juice and apply it all over your face.
·         You can also cut the lemon into half and can directly rub the cut of the lemon over the affected area.
·         Leave it for an hour, rinse off with water.
·         Avoid direct exposure of sunlight when you have applied it on your skin otherwise your skin will get darker than earlier.

Oranges: Oranges have beauty and health benefits. Consuming orange can be great effect on your skin and health too. Just like the lemon oranges also have bleaching properties. Orange juice or its peel can be used as a face pack to lighten skin tone. 

·         Add two teaspoon of orange juice to a pinch of turmeric powder.
·         Make a thick paste and then apply it onto the skin before going to bed at night and then rinse it off with water in the next morning.

Honey:  Honey is considered to be one of the best natural remedies for dark spots. And because honey has antioxidant and antibacterial properties, this also treats acne and other skin diseases.

·         Mix 1 tablespoon of fresh yogurt and 1 1/2 tablespoon of honey.
·         Mix well and apply this mixture over the skin.
·         After 10 – 15 minutes, wash it off with water.
·         Or you can also add 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and follow the same process.
·         Continue this process daily.

Try these home remedies that are guaranteed to work and share these beauty tips with your closed ones also.   

One of the best natural remedies for dark spots or pigmentation is potato juice. Potatoes contains a catecholase enzyme which curbs the excessive melanin production within an individual. Raw potatoes or potato juice are eminently effective in lightening the dark spots and reducing pigmentation on the skin.

·         Take one potato slice and start rubbing it on your face in circular motion.
·         Continue the process for at least 5 minutes.
·         Now, wait for 5 more minutes and then rinse the area with lukewarm water.
·         You can also make the paste of potato and apply it all over your face and leave it for few minutes, rinse off with water.

Papaya: - If you want to treat skin pigmentation then nothing can be as good as papaya. You might have heard of fruit facials in beauty salons or parlours so, why not to use the real papaya on your face. This helps in treating pigmentation by eliminating dead skin cells. Papaya contains papain enzyme, which has exfoliating properties.

·         Cut the papaya into pieces.
·         Take 3-4 pieces and grind it to make thick paste.
·         Now add milk and honey and make smooth paste.
·         Apply the mixture on your face and leave it for 30 minutes.
·         Rinse with lukewarm water.

Try these home remedies as per the direction for over a month and feel the change in your skin. If you think you have no time for this, then you can visit a nearby beauty parlour but, make sure it is a top brand salon franchise where you will get right beauty treatments.


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